I like kids, and hate the thought of them suffering...
We are all on the same planet, so whatever happens to folk in Fukushima happens to all of us.
I don’t like the attitude of the short-sighted, arrogant profit-seeking that lies behind the nuclear power industry. I know the workers for the power company are good people, but we can do better than nuclear power! This is a precious planet, and we are all a part of that precious life. We need to look after each other and all creatures. I guess I really care.
I was not well at the time the Kansai earth quake happened in 1995, and I was not able to do anything to help my friends in Kobe. I felt rather hopeless at the time (I was in Melbourne, but had lived in Kobe). So this time, I’d like to do more to express my feeling of connectedness. I don’t have money. I don’t own a house. But I can play music. I guess that’s all I can offer. So I am offering.
I have always considered myself to be a citizen of the world, not just Australia. And I am sure that Sanshi and Reo feel exactly that way too. This is a small, beautiful and fragile planet. And people are the same wherever you go. People manage to be greedy, friendly, angry, giving, selfish, loving, shy and generous no matter where they were born! Human nature... a total paradoxical enigma!
Well... You asked. :)
Much love, Anne
アン ノーマン